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Make a hole into the frosting behind the arm and press a tombstone there. Grate some chocolate over the grass mound, pressing it down gently. Sprinkle more chocolate over the hand area.
I’d have never thought a graveyard could have been a cake decoration! But it is and it also tastes delicious! I find the tombstone particularly good and the grass is incredibly yummy....
For this cake we’ve chosen two recipes: lemon and choco cupcakes.
I think chocolate is the best choice both for the colour - as brown as the ground - and for the flavour combinations..
The cream cheese frosting we’ve used here is definetely my favourite topping.
Quick Choco cupcakes
150 g self-raising flour
75 g plain flour
35 g ccoa powder
165 g sugar
185 g softened butter
3 eggs
125 ml milk
Put all dry ingredients into a medium large bowl, add remaning ingredients. Beat with electric mixer on low speed until ingredients are combined.. Increase speed to medium and beat until mixture is smooth and has changed to a paler colour.
Fill paper cases to 2/3 full so as to have nice mound-shaped cakes. Bake about 20 min at 180°.
4 choco cupcakes
1 quantity cream cheese frosting
80 g white fondant (see recipe in cake twelev
green,, yellow and red food colouring
8 ‘Pavesini’ cookies
100 gr chocolate
Cream cheese frosting
100g cream cheese
50 g icing sugar
Put all the ingredients in a bowl and beat together with a wooden spoon until smooth and creamy. Cover and chill for at leat an hour to firm up slightly before using..
1) Grass
Put two tablespoons of the cream cheese frosting in a small bowl, you’ll use it to decorate the tombstone.
Beat green food colouring into the remaning frosting, add a little at a time until the desired shade is reached. Spread the frosting over each cupcake.
Carefully cut two straight sides off each Pavesino. In the meantime melt 80 g chocolate in a bain-marie. Dip each Pavesino in the chocolate both sides, leaving the bottom end free.. Refrigerate them for at least half an hour. Put the reserved frosting in a paper bag and pipe a thin line of frosting around the edge of each cookie, then a second line and a small cross in the middle of the ‘tombstone’.
Take a little piece of fondant and mould it into a sausage shape about 3 cm long. Flatten one end to shape a hand, pinch in at the wrist. Cut out finger shapes using a toothpick. Make a hole into the middle of each cupcake. with the back of a teaspoon or your finger and then press the arm into this hole.
4) Finishing touches

Colour some of the remaining fondant in yellow and red and make tiny balls for the flowers, which you will position on one side of the mound. Use some green cream cheese frosting to decorate the edge of each cupcake.
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